Once upon a time, among the misty blue mountains, in the land of BoruahVille…… Daddy Dramebaaz “Aha… so you couldn’t find yourself a life…
::Mindful Meanderings::
I met Alice once, of the wonderland fame, and wondered aloud if the expectations in that world too, were greater than the size of…
::Thursday Poet’s Rally:: Twilight Masterpiece
Submitting for Jingle’s Thursday Poet’s Rally Week 23 Twilight Masterpiece When midnight blue is deep, beneath starlit curtain, slowly I unfurl, my sleepy canvas…
::NaiSaiku challenge:: Ignorant Earthling::
My entry for NaiSaiKu Challenge … for more click here Beyond faintest star mystery untold, unseen, IGNORANT EARTHLING mystery untold, unseen, Beyond faintest star …
::Tagging along::
Tag by Insignia :: ::Tagging Along:: Due to unexpected avalanche of workload in my java coded world, all three of my virtual space is…
::Crazy Roomies::
[A Repost – was missing my ex roomie … so thought of posting it again … 🙂 , written around 2 years back :)]…