Submitting this Shape Poetry for Thursday Poet’s Rally Week 22 Dancing on Horizon I feel honoured to receive Perfect Poet for week 21 . Thank…
::55 Fiction:: Truth
Truth He was confused, scared, nervous – at the same time. If only he had enough courage to utter those three words. How will…
This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 11; the eleventh edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where…
[55 Fiction] ::Victim::
Victim Place – High Court “… found guilty of Dowry demands and mentally harassing his wife and in-laws … The jury sentence him …”…
::A Glimpse Through My Eyes::
Another contest by Blog Adda – Travel Photos Contest , and this time I am making sure that there’s an entry from my space…
::Bits of Craziness::
Heights of Mindless Moments Standing outside the door of my house… with my office Access card in hand… wondering why there was no beep…