::Rainbow:: September 20, 2010 Rajlakshmi14 splashed across the sky in vibrant colors arching along cotton clouds, slightly drenched sunkissed sky displaying a multihued smile. ** Picture was clicked on my way to Bangalore. Share this:PinterestTwitterEmailWhatsAppLike this:Like Loading...
http://itistimetothinkformyself.blogspot.com/2010/10/october-birthday-wishes-and-awards.html awards,pass to 1 to 10 friends..Happy Weekend!xxx see you at poetry potluck tomorrow. Loading... Reply
http://jingleyanqiu.wordpress.com/awards-from-the-blogging-universe/sweet-princess-award-4-female-community-members/#comment-18296 awards for you. support us by linking in 1 to 3 poems to our poetry potluck… not necessarily related to the theme, any old poems would work. Loading... Reply
pass to 1 to 10 friends..
Happy Weekend!
see you at poetry potluck tomorrow.
awards for you.
support us by linking in 1 to 3 poems to our poetry potluck…
not necessarily related to the theme, any old poems would work.
wow wow wow!
loved this!
i like it.
short and sweet