Elephant on a Truck #atozchallenge

A Whimsical Medley – Is my theme for the A to Z Challenge !! Hope you smile today πŸ™‚
Travelling on Indian roads is always interesting. You never know what weird instance of life would come your way. Be it regular scenes like 5 people on a two wheeler or young boys hanging on the ladders of a running truck. But there are few that needs to be captured immediately – Like carrying Elephant on a Truck.

Vehicles - carrying - Elephants
I don’t even know how they got this gigantic animal to climb the vehicle.

Although cattle travelling in a vehicle is pretty common site.

Animals on truck

Along with ClaireParul and Shalini we have formed an Unconventional Alliance with A to Z co-host Pam Margolis as the ring leader … all set to rock the party

If you are bitten by the travel bug – check out my A to Z of Wanderlust Taleshttp://shutterbug-rajlakshmi.blogspot.com.au


31 thoughts on “Elephant on a Truck #atozchallenge

  1. Yeah! I have witnessed this sight. I felt better that atleast this elephant is not struggling with space like some cattles do! The other sight is quite painful and inhuman!

  2. They must have lured it onto the truck with a bunch of bananas :p
    I haven't seen weird things while travelling. Just shows that I haven't travelled to the exciting places yet πŸ˜€

  3. An elephant crammed on a truck – not a common sight here in the United States. But we have trucks carrying cattle, and chickens, to where they will end their lives. And, horse trailers. Those tend to be more humane, I suspect.

  4. I am the travel bug. I never learn so much as when I'm in a different country trying to sort out the culture. India's on my list. Haven't been there yet.

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