On Christmas eve, I found myself walking along the gravelled path of Mt Amos, in the Eastern Coast of Tasmania. It had been my…
Simple tips to learn Yoga Inversions at home
Yoga Inversions are poses that place your heart higher than your head. These are the elusive gravity-defying postures that make you put your hand…
Inversion Diversion #atozchallenge
A Whimsical Medley – Is my theme for the A to Z Challenge !! Hope you smile today 🙂 ***************** Everyone has that one Green Tea drinking…
Whimsy Yogi – Of Crows & Camels
Hello there, the whimsy yogi is back with her circus 🙂 The September Yoga Collage Of late I am training myself to move slowly…
The Almost Yoga Handstand
The A to Z challenge was quite exhausting and I had to take a week long break before I could even check my blogger…
And More Yoga … Janu Sirsasana
Yoga Every Damn Day – As a part of A to Z April Blogging challenge, I am going to post a series of Yoga poses. Don’t worry…