The last three days simply rushed past me. Those un-ticked items on my to-do list is resulting in a restless Monday morning. Unlike younger…

Yoga | Travel | Art | Creative writing
The last three days simply rushed past me. Those un-ticked items on my to-do list is resulting in a restless Monday morning. Unlike younger…
Pick your friends carefully for they make you do insane stuffs – like 30 Days Squat Challenge and leg workout challenge. Pfffftttt!! Egged by…
I absolutely love Chicken Wonton Soup. It tastes bland and those who love spicy food might just use it for the purpose of gargling.…
My weekends are usually so busy that I desperately long for Mondays. Now that the dinner’s taken care of and the house doesn’t look…
It’s that time of the month when I share my most like photos from Instagram from the previous month. Don’t forget to follow my…
Although I am an expert in creating Kitchen Katastrophes … sometimes the Kitchen-god takes pity on me and I end up preparing a dish…