“Lower, Lower… you need to go lower”, he said exasperatedly. “If I go any lower, I won’t get up“, I cried back. Well,…
7 Signs You are Turning Into a Fitness Freak
Freak yes, but fitness – not a chance. I was never considered “one of them”. Mostly because I can be extremely lazy at times.…
[Throwback] Once Upon a Skinny Time
Don’t Laugh OK 😉 Long long ago, I was a scarily skinny girl, with hip length hair, whose mom was at wits end trying…
55 Fiction: Ooh Ahh and Omm
Breathe In. Breathe out. I kept reminding myself. Keep extending, a little more, just a little more. Oh darn!! I am going to snap…
My Favourite Fit Girls on Instagram
‘The expert at anything was once a beginner.’ – Helen Hayes We all start somewhere after all. This is my fangirling moment 😀 I…
My Yoga Transformations
After a year and half of practice, time for some throwback and transformation pictures. A lot of yoga practitioners achieve much more than what I have till…