And another year of A to Z Challenge comes to an end. Extremely delighted to have found so many awesome blogs, read beautiful thoughts,…

Yoga | Travel | Art | Creative writing
And another year of A to Z Challenge comes to an end. Extremely delighted to have found so many awesome blogs, read beautiful thoughts,…
Location: Yass Valley Creek (Federal Highway, Australia) I came across Yass River Creek last year, after missing a right turn towards Tulip Top Garden.…
Location: eXtrude, at Vivid Sydney 2016 (Sydney, Australia) Another beautiful installation during the annual festival of Light and music – Vivid Sydney. This year…
Location: Wentworth Fall, Australia The sky was gray and clouds hung heavy as I made my way through the trail shaded by tall tress and…
Location: Vivid Sydney, Australia Vivid Sydney is a cultural event that happens annually in the Asia Pacific region during the month of May and June.…
Location: Ulladula, NSW, Australia The sea remains forever in motion, roaring and crashing into the rocks. Breakwater or a sea wall as barrier, can be…