All my life, I didn’t pay attention to the wolves laughing behind my backI was engrossed trying to build a castle – from crumblesa…

Yoga | Travel | Art | Creative writing
All my life, I didn’t pay attention to the wolves laughing behind my backI was engrossed trying to build a castle – from crumblesa…
we would meet one dayat the edge of a sunsetwhere time slowly flows byto pluck memoriesand watch them dissipateinto the silent purple skies would…
What do you know of the pain in my heartit longs to go numbwhen the spring starts bleeding daisiesand camellias aboundI dig memoriessix feet…
Rainbows can be so poetic. Everytime I see one, words starting forming in my head. Not rhyming words, but free verses flowing and weaving…
I live on shallow breathsa sigh here and a gulp therehurried but silent the people on TV oftenteach the art of breathingi n h…
These thoughts clouded my mind a few weeks back when I couldn’t get over a bad day. I had a test and I failed.…