You wake up one beautiful sunny Sunday morning, to find that your dearest house owner has cut off your electricity and water supply .…
Untitled – Why should all poems be titled?? This poem does not conform to usual standards…!!
Sree had tagged me long time back for this meme… Just a thread of random thoughts 🙂 Simple rules to this meme: >The TITLE…
::Random Chronicles of a Blocked Mind::
Writer’s block has hit me… you won’t believe how desperately I had tried these days to think of a topic to write on… this…
Shape poetry – The Saviour Angel
Whew!!! finally made it, not as good as I pictured 🙁 but it was all I could manage with the darned editor. I was…
Beauty Experiments & Accidents– Tried & Tested
As the sun is impatiently waiting to set us on fire again, I am taking pity on every burning soul, and have decided to…
Radiant Corridors | Lira Poetry Type | Nature Poem
Introducing a simple poetry form – Lira . This is my second attempt to write a Lira. Lira:A 5 line Spanish poetry formwith syllable…