Again it’s the season of turning into a charcoal chick … Chennai is scorching… the heat can actually turn a chicken into a tandoori…
::The Unknown::
The Unknown Psychedelic dreams haunt damp corridors of unknown. I am broke, repaying interest of smiles, borrowed from destiny. Reflections claw solitute – my…
::Hershey’s BetterBasket Blog Hop for Children’s Miracle Network::
I am doing this post for a cause. Hershey’s BetterBasket Blog Hop for Children’s Miracle Network.. I have been tagged by 2 lovely fellow…
::An Apple Story::
What if instead of an apple, a Jackfruit had fallen on Sir Isaac Newton’s head? Maybe then he would have never even considered sitting…
[Thursday Poet’s Rally]::Forgotten Memories::
I seem to be obsessed with shape poetries… here’s another one for Jingle’s Thursday Poet’s Rally Week 11 … Do check out.. If you want to…
::Of Oyster, Zack and Siblings::
Hiyaa guys … Im back with my ramblings… a breather from the regular overdose of Shape poetries .. Isnt it ?? 😀 but then…