I used to write ‘restless’ as one of my personality traits in the colorful slam-books that were extremely popular in school. I don’t know…

Yoga | Travel | Art | Creative writing
I used to write ‘restless’ as one of my personality traits in the colorful slam-books that were extremely popular in school. I don’t know…
Hello there, today I am writing on how to create a Zentangle Inspired Art. I am not a certified teacher or teach any art…
Beware: Art OverLoaded Since I am an incorrigible procrastinator, and there are at least 15 incomplete drafts in my blogger dashboard, I…
Hello there, I really can’t move much today, not after walking and hiking for over 10 km yesterday. It was absolutely amazing… but my…
I have been itching to draw a Tangled themed Rapunzel Zentangle ever since I completed my Flynn Rider Zentangle. Tangled is one of my…
“Do I dare, disturb the universe? In a minute there is time For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.” ― T.S. Eliot …