I scrambled out of the bed, regretting every single thing I did last night. Chiding myself one more time for not having self-control, I…
Dunk your code in the tea #wordlesswednesday
Is anyone else becoming unnecessarily creative in this lockdown? 😛 I spend the whole day in front of my computer – either on calls…
#WW – Cake and Code
I complete 11 years as a professional software engineer. Feel so old already 😅 It’s amazing how times have changed since the year I…
Perfect Broccoli and gorgeous spread of White Messiness
Yo!! So I finally got to see snow. First time ever!! Natural, soft and bitterly cold snow. Indulged in my first snowball fight too.…
Of Eyeliner Ninja, Lazy Nerds and Funky Pose
The eyeliner Ninja I travel 80km every day, to and from my workplace. Often I come across scenes that are way out of ordinary.…
Beginner, once more
The coolest thing I am doing these days at work is building a mobile app, for both iOS and Android, using a javascript library…