Clicked at my Friend’s wedding. The bride carries this the whole time, it is supposed to keep the ” evil eyes” away. 🙂 Submitting…
::Shadow Shots::
Click on the picture for clear view Submitting for Shadow Shot
[Shadow shot]::Elephant Falls Shillong::
Clicked at Elephant Falls, Shillong (India) For more shadows – Visit Sunday Shadow shot
::Shadows & Haiku::
Made this last weekend 😀 A 3D origami Butterfly 🙂 Submitting for Shadow shot ********************************************** Porcelain Greets a plastic smileas porcelain hearts mingle,-emotions drained- Haiku…
[Photo Blog]::Of Shadows and Reflections ::
Clicked near Papanasam, Tamil Nadu (India) Submitting for Weekend Reflection Clicked at Queensland Amusement Park, Chennai Submitting for Shadow Shot sunday
Shadow Shot Sunday **************** An unknown facet snatched unaware innocence. Mentally crippled. Haiku Heights