And in the darkness breathes a dream of flickering light. ‘crammed in emptiness’– a w a i t i n g – …
Whispers of her mind often lost in dreamless nights, full with shooting stars. Haiku Horizon prompt Full A view of Darling Harbour
[Haiku Heights]::Blind::
Tied in golden chains remorseful whispers echo, humanity pleads, Soaking the warmth of blazing pyre burning trust, blind democracy, Haiku Heights
In the wake of long shadows rose the moon, beside shreds of -dreamless stars- tracing back a frail trail lost in obscurity – -unfathomable-…
::Love in the Rain::
Love Gentle, like butterfly kisses heart affairs. ****************** Rain Tiny drops falling magnificent multihued its raining again Submitting for Jingle’s Poetry Rally
Prairies Gushing gales vibrant blossoms on grasslands, young,carefree. Peach billows over gentle hills yonder, wild Prairies. Written for Leo’s Z-A Challenge