What do you know of the pain in my heartit longs to go numbwhen the spring starts bleeding daisiesand camellias aboundI dig memoriessix feet…

Yoga | Travel | Art | Creative writing
What do you know of the pain in my heartit longs to go numbwhen the spring starts bleeding daisiesand camellias aboundI dig memoriessix feet…
Image Source – ScoopWoop There was quite a buzz in the classroom that day. “She fainted in the Principal Office”, my friend whispered to…
Slowly she smoothens his dusty clothes, arranging them in the wooden stand, along with tiny shoes and plastic cars, never will sparkle his electric…
I was in a mall when I read a random status about shooting in Orlando. Immediately I opened a news website praying ‘please let…
Gently, he lifted the paper lantern. The flame flickered slightly in cool winter breeze. He closed his eyes before pushing it away. The wind…