Wrote a shape poetry after a long time… advantages of lazy saturday afternoon 😀 Perfectly at peace 😀 Submitting for Leo’s Z-A Challenge
::Tangerine Horizon::
Tangerine Horizon Across horizon, a tangerine dawn, stirs remnant midnight hues, brushed by curls of golden yawn, silent shadows – no longer pursue. Dandelions…
Thursday Poet’s Rally ::Beautiful Morn::
Beautiful Morn(Etheree) Dewsshimmer as sunbeams sprinkle warmth on sleepy canvas of tangerine horizon; blinking, yawning milieu wakes, feathers flutter higher, chirping a song…
::Thursday Poet’s Rally:: Dancing on Horizon
Submitting this Shape Poetry for Thursday Poet’s Rally Week 22 Dancing on Horizon I feel honoured to receive Perfect Poet for week 21 . Thank…