During his college days, my brother for some reason suddenly wanted to be a rock star. He would often practice singing “Butterfly”, screaming his…
The Insanity Aggregation
Theme: Home Affairs of Elephant Warriors Day 1 A: The Animal Acquisition Day 2 B: The Boyfriend Recombobulation Day 3 C: The Comparacion Effect …
Siblings & Animal Affair Part 1
Isn’t it a long time since we heard about the animal affairs of my veterinary doc siblings? Well here we go – Sister dahling…
::Of Shivering chicks & Laddus::
Shivering Chicks My brother, currently in the 4th year of his degree, often deal with cases brought to the medical centre of their college.…
::Little this and that::
Nostalgia Remember those scenes from bollywood movies of early 90’s, where actresses would fall down from stairs … rolling all the way… the scenes…
::Of Oyster, Zack and Siblings::
Hiyaa guys … Im back with my ramblings… a breather from the regular overdose of Shape poetries .. Isnt it ?? 😀 but then…