I will never know my mother as she once was
a dreamy teenager, taming storms
in her long serpentine hair
envisaging dreams too big to hold in her palms
– the color of muddy paddy fields –
with butterflies in her belly
untouched by the weight of the world
I wonder if her laughter spilled as she caught catfish in sunlit ponds.
But I only know her as a woman with a distant gaze
as if watching her dreams unfold in another realm
– stifled giggles and disheveled hair –
forever in a mad rush to finish chores
her dreams quietly tucked away
replaced by the ways of the world
she never wore a crown,
yet she raised me like a princess
and now, as I walk the path she paved
I find myself wondering
Maybe, just maybe
I am living the life that was meant for her
Related Post – To my mother who doesn’t hug | Short Poems
Is my cactus fighting demons in the dark

Reading your poem brings to me the very thoughts that cross my mind every time I look at my mother and wonder about her life before I joined her world. Lovely poem, Raj! <3
And I’m back here just to tell you how beautifully you write Raj. The poignancy of your words, the barest hint of underlying sadness, it’s beautiful.
wonderful poem
Just incredible. “Envisaging dreams too big to hold in her palms” and “butterflies in her belly/untouched by the weight of the world” will stick with me for a long time.
Thank you so much. So glad you liked it 😊
This is so beautiful ❤️ made my heart full. You represented every daughter with these words.
Thank you 😊