Khwahish | Short Love Poems| Valentine’s Day Special

Khwahish – deepest longing or desire. Yearning.

My younger self would probably cringe at how hopelessly romantic I have become. That this 30-something woman holds a pillow and squeals like a teenager when the main leads finally confess their love in Korean dramas. Maybe I was always a romantic but tried to avoid this side of my personality. As I grew older I became more accepting of my choices. I love cute romantic Korean dramas and still sigh when Shah Rukh Khan opens his arms (which is pretty much a template for all his love songs).

shah rukh khan open arms pose

Here’s a collection of my love poems – for your crush, first love, or partner.

Dreams. Fireflies. Arzoo. And someone that makes everything magical.

short love poem | crush | dream

I fell in love with his mischievous eyes long before I fell in love with him. It sounds strange when I write it like this, but I fell in love in parts. Maybe it was his voice that wished me good night. Maybe because his hugs felt like home.

short love poem | first love | crush

I have spent many nights walking along the shore, with a handful of stars and You, listening to the buzz of city life. Often holding hands, but mostly I would be stuffing my mouth with fried Pomfret bought from beachside shacks while you would tell me about your dreams of owning a restaurant. A theme restaurant in particular.

short love poems | couple | relationship | boyfriend

Rainy days are the best, aren’t they? Especially on weekends when you can relax with coffee and Netflix.

My parents celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary recently. Growing old together is indeed a privilege. The shared memories, the companionship, struggles, and accomplishments. Makes my heart filled with joy when I imagine their life.

short love poem | couple | relationship

“5 centimeters per second” is the rate at which a Cherry flower falls down in calm air. It is also a manga written by Makoto Shinkai about first love, longing, and heartbreak.

Our deepest desire, khwaish, isn’t usually what we tell others. It is usually something vulnerable and emotional. And probably only shared with someone close to your heart. If you have someone like that, hold them close. Give them a hug.

I also post my poetry on Instagram – Paperandprose .

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