Parsva Bakasana or Side crow Yoga Pose | Fitness

I unlocked an arm balance today. Yaayyy!! Balancing Side Crow or Parsva Bakasana on one elbow. As a beginner I learned to practice Side Crow on both arms, which is an easier version. I have tried to do it on one arm before but I wasn’t really strong enough to balance it. (I would keep faceplanting and was this close to looking like a Voldemort)

So imagine my surprise when I tried Side Crow today and could easily lift my feet off the ground. I could hold the pose for only a few seconds but this is a start. I will be working towards improving and increasing my hold.

It still surprises me that I have made progress in other arm balances except for Bakasana. Bakasana is still my Everest. I can barely hold it for half a second. It baffles me. I am still having a hard time figuring out the dynamics of Bakasana hold.

parsva bakasana on one elbow

I have been progressively working on my strength by doing bodyweight exercises. I don’t do arm balances every day but I work on improving my strength at least a couple of times a week. That has helped a lot in leveling up my arm balances. I also practically follow all of Kino Yoga’s strength drills on Youtube. I would recommend them to anyone trying to improve their strength.

Related post – Yoga Transformation

Quick tips: Look forward and keep a steady gaze. Lean in (forwards and sidewards), balancing the weight equally so that your wrist isn’t taking all the weight. Keep the elbows perpendicular and try not to let them splay out.

Preparation for Side Crow:

how to do parsva bakasana

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