The Cookie Drama| 55 Fiction

Tears were forming in my sleep-deprived eyes as I held the last double layered cream cookie. My child was throwing a tantrum at the unfortunate remains of previous attempts. Where do I learn this skill?

With trembling hands I slowly pried the cookie open, desperately hoping for the cream layer to cleanly separate without breaking.


This story is based on true events. 😀 Pretty sure all the toddler moms must have experienced impossible tantrums that made them question everything they knew.

8 thoughts on “The Cookie Drama| 55 Fiction

  1. This one brought back memories, Raj. My 5-year-old still goes through episodes of tantrums involving cookies and broken layer of cream. But now I mastered the art of this is all you are getting or else attitude. 😆
    I hope to read more fiction from you, Raj. This was awesome.

  2. Ha ha… this one brought back so many memories. Been there and done that countless times as a kid, Raj! Unbelievable though it might sound today. Keep ai it. I can tell you that you’ll master it soon. 😁

  3. Ha ha this brought back memories of all the crazy things the twins have cried for. Good luck Raj and remember it does get better.

  4. Lol. have experienced this as a kid myself and as a mom with my toddlers. Its a skill to not only peel the two layers but the cream off it as well.

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