Yoga Wheel Exercises| Arm balance | Fitness

I bought a yoga wheel two years ago with the intention of improving my backbends. At that time I was inspired by the stunning back bending poses on Instagram and desperately wanted to achieve a few of them. That’s when I discovered this whole new world of doing fun arm balancing poses using the wheel. The Yoga wheel exercises can easily be done at home.

Check out #wednesdaywheelparty on Instagram and you will find amazing people doing amazing things on the wheel. Every Wednesday someone would post a video of a new and creative pose using the wheel. Anyone who wishes to participate can pose their pictures doing the same pose using the hashtag. It is a fun way to form a community too and get some exercise too.

Here are a few poses I have tried using the yoga wheel. These are a bit advanced so if you are looking forward to leveling up your wheel game, do give this a try.

flying balance and backbend on yoga wheel
Hey look, I am flying
balancing on yoga wheel
This one was a tricky balance. Barely managed to hold it for a secoond.

Balancing on a yoga wheel can be extremely tricky. It can lead to some serious falls and injuries too. So please get used to the balancing on wheel before attempting any pose. Don’t forget to warm up your body and practice in a safe location.

Padmasana or lotus pose balancing on yoga wheel
Sideways Padmasana lol
grasshopper pose with yoga wheel
How many times do you think I would have falled?

I play with the yoga wheel in the garden as grass provides a good cushion whenever I fall. And I do fall a lot.

flying crow practice with yoga wheel
Learning to do flying crow
half split practice with yoga wheel exercises
Half split with the wheel

I won’t call this my yoga practice as I am mostly doing a pose and taking a picture. But I include the wheel in my practice while doing backbends. It supports my back and prevents overcompensation in other parts of the body when I try to do some advanced poses.

I am planning to do a blog post on simple yoga wheel exercises and ways to use blocks in yoga practice. Stay tuned.

Related Posts – 10 Yoga Poses to level up your practice

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