If I were in Friends | Yoga Pose Edition

A few weeks back some of my favorite fitness accounts on Instagram started a ‘Friends’ challenge #friendsreloadedfanfun where we spoke about our favorite episodes, funny incidents and shared yoga postures based on the topic of the day. It inspired me to create some Friends meme.

I got a little too creative with my editing skills. So presenting before you my masterpieces. πŸ˜€ I did all the editing in the Capcut app using overlay and remove-background feature.

Friends – Yoga Edition

Who doesn’t remember this Pivot scene? If I was their friend, this is practically how I would have been helping them.

friends meme funny yoga

There are many scenes and moments I love in Friends. I picked this scene as it showed the warmth of their friendship, despite arguments they always come together, forgive, and accept each other’s flaws. And what’s better than celebrating friendship with an enormous amount of good food.

And some awesome Mayurasana.

friends meme funny yoga

This is pretty much how I would annoy my friends with my #YogaEveryDamnDay lifestyle. Also, this is how I annoy my husband when I try to do Sirsanana in the middle of the night.

friends meme

Sometimes I just suddenly remember a creative pose and try to go straight into it without minding the time or place.

friends meme funny yoga pose

I dedicate this meme to my lovely friend whom I used to annoy a lot when we lived in paying guest accommodation. Once we were all chatting at night. I got thirsty and tried drinking water from a bottle. I had a mouthful of water when she happened to crack a joke. In the next second, she was drenched with water that had sprayed right out of my mouth. She had to take a shower at 1 am.

‘Friends’ was way ahead of its time. It dealt with topics like LGBTQ, surrogacy, single parenting, and adoption, among many other things. The warmth of relationships and the way they handled break up (apart from Ross-Rachel we-are-on-a-break-thing) was very mature.

But of course, the show also had its fair share of hilarious scenes where the characters were anything but mature.

Do you have a friend who’s always extra? πŸ˜€

friends meme funny yoga

I really enjoyed making these edits for the challenge. Just a few days ago I received an email saying that I won the challenge and would receive the prize soon. I can’t wait to get my hands on it. πŸ™‚

Hope you enjoyed reading these friends’ memes.

Related Post : Fun Yoga Asanas for Instagram Challenges

5 thoughts on “If I were in Friends | Yoga Pose Edition

  1. Congratulations on winning the challenge, Raj! I bet the judges had a hearty laugh over your memes! Too hilarious…loved all of them. Keep sharing more such, Rajlakshmi. πŸ™‚

  2. Hahaha this was too cool Raj! As a fellow Friends buff I think you did a cracker job with these memes. The sofa scene is so iconic and I think that meme with you plonked on it is my fav! You can have some more memes with baby D featuring too!

  3. I saw your posts on Insta. They’re hilarious. I love how you used the Pivot episode. We’re all Friends fans here. Like you said it was way ahead of its times which is why my teens love it as much as I do.

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