We met under a watchful Orion | Love Poem

short love poem for valentine's day

I have spent many nights walking along the shore, with a handful of stars and You, listening to the buzz of city life. Often holding hands, but mostly I would be stuffing my mouth with fried Pomfret bought from beachside shacks while you would tell me about your dreams of owning a restaurant. A theme restaurant in particular.

We rode on your Avenger till the stars fell off the horizon. And the dawn-lit sky brought a brand new day, riding on cosmic colors.

Years have gone by. I haven’t had a pomfret in a decade and you don’t own any restaurant. But we have made a life together. Made more memories under the Orion – in both the hemispheres.

We met I was 21. And now more than ever, I am grateful to have you in my life.

PS: I usually have a hard time writing love poems, mostly because they end up sounding corny. But this time, I just let the words flow. Hope you liked this short love poem

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