i feel you dissolve in my arms
night after night
l i g h t e r
t h i n n e r
p a l e r
a flame of burnt brandy
on long broken days –
sometimes I move away
in fear of finding out
your fading strength
but we both know
it is the summer of ‘heavy heart’
as we search for shooting stars
to whisper a prayer
maybe the universe will listen
i know we will get through this
s o m e d a y
t o g e t h e r
because losing isn’t an option
not in this battle
Poetic in pain. Spectacular pain shall I say. “Flame of burnt brandy” – how perfectly it described the color of your skin. Strange how in the middle of the night I find phrases on strange accounts that hit the right spots in my heart.
The insurmountable weight of life and the battles we fight can take away a lot from our lives, but that doesn’t mean we stop living.
We love, smile, and fight this battle together.
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