How are you coping up with work from home | Quarantine life

We are going to enter Week 6 of lockdown. I started working last month, after a year of maternity leave. And just a week later lockdown was declared and we all had to turn our homes into offices. Working from home with a one-year-old is as tough as it can get. If you have been wondering where I had disappeared, let’s just say in a pile of household chores.

Is it even a Zoom call if there’s not one child screaming their lungs out in the background? In my case, it’s mostly mine, crying because I didn’t let him eat wet wipes. Also, what is this strange fascination with tissue paper? I have learned to keep my hands super clean and devoid of moisturizer. Not just due to Covid-19, but because you never know when you have to pry open your baby’s mouth to pull out things they stealthily put inside. Seriously, how fast can they get?

The other day I accidentally left a bowl of Ragi porridge on the floor as I had to attend an official call. I came back to find my baby with a Ragi facial and sticky porridge all over his clothes and carpet. I don’t know about you, but I am definitely not acing this lockdown thingy.

Who here has managed to peacefully go to the toilet without their baby banging on the door, crying and waiting for you to come out? EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Is there like a secret that I haven’t figured out yet?

I mostly try to feed my baby before I start working in my baby-room-turned-into-office, and yet, there’s not a single item that has not been chewed around my desk. Even dumbells have not been spared. He switches between our office rooms, transporting pillows, blankets, and an assortment of random lids of kitchen containers and wooden ladles.

He recently received his one-year immunization and since then it has been extremely tough. The last few days have been a struggle as he got a high fever and couldn’t sleep well. I have been running on 3 – 4 hours of sleep and a ridiculous amount of tea. Frankly, I am surprised that I don’t doze off on the keyboard.

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Work from Home also looks like this.😊 The coffee breaks have been replaced by breaks to pacify the baby and feed him. I am lucky I have support at home, yet it is hard to ignore my 11 months old knocking at the door, seeking my attention. As we settle into Week 2 of #workfromhome, pair programming is becoming easier and comfortable, even with a baby playing around. 😊 . How are you settling in? . . . #lifeinthetimesofcorona #developerlife #devlife #programmers #engineerlife #devgirls #techgirls #futureisfemale #stemgirls #stem #codingdays #codergirl #softwareengineer #softwaredeveloper #developer #corporate #workplace #worklife #techy #officelife #instacode #programmerrepublic #peoplewithlaptops #workingfromhome #momlifebelike #pandemic #javadeveloper #futureisfemale #newmom

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Also, I do pair programming at times, which is great as I get to talk to another person. But not so great when my baby wakes from his sleep and does not find me around. Even though there are other family members, he still hasn’t got used to my absence. I am glad I have very understanding colleagues.

If there’s one thing that’s keeping me sane, it is working out and practicing yoga. The baby joins in sometimes.

I was taking a video of handstands when little one walked by. He obviously doesn’t care that his mom his hanging upside down. 😛

Evenings are busy as I try to cook dinner and give my in-laws some rest. Since they are used to proper Indian meals, we prepare the big 4 – Rice, Roti, Sabji and Dal, plus Baby’s dinner. Between exercising, preparing dinner, and spending some time with baby after work – I practically get 5 minutes before I hit the bed.

I had aimed to complete a programming course this month, but don’t see it happening anytime soon.

So tell me, how are you coping up with quarantine life and working from home? Share your stories too.

Stay safe.

Related Post – Life in the times of Corona | Sydney

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work from home mother with baby sleeping in arms

7 thoughts on “How are you coping up with work from home | Quarantine life

  1. It is tough especially with a young kid, my daughter is 5 and has the ability to understand that Mumbai’s busy, though it doesn’t work always. It helps tremendously if you have someone who can help take care of the kid when you are working

  2. I know it’s difficult to work from home with a little one seeking attention around you all the time. Even as they grow it is going to be the same when you sit down with the laptop. Though my little one doesn’t cry often now, she has started to say that my eyes are going to cry because I am using the laptop. I must not use the laptop because she is not watching the TV now.

    I am enjoying your chronicles with your little bubba, he sure loves yoga just like you. I hope things settle down a bit and even two working days are going to be great. Not a big change for me since I stay at home now.

  3. Same here and believe me most of us are doing great and managing time and family. There are some minor tiffs but they are fine and in most cases everyone is happy and are moving ahead with the lock down. Nothing much, stay safe and stay blessed.

  4. Gosh! must be hard of you. We are okay – just that this routine is not easy. Also, we are in week 7 now. House chores and work together is double duty. So coping as best as possible.

  5. Work from home was a welcomed news at first as being a newlywed it saved me fours hours of commute daily. But with maids gone and household chores piling up as I attend meetings and code away to fulfill deadlines, I am sure as hell beginning to miss the comfort and peace of office!

  6. I love seeing your posts with the little one. They’re so cute. He steals the show from the background in your yoga posts. 😄 I have very little course work to do in this time, so it’s going fine. Hope you get enough rest and sleep amid your busy schedule. 😊

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