Traveling with the baby be like singing Itsy Bitsy Spider while sightseeing. 😀 That’s exactly what I am doing here when he got a bit cranky during our visit to the Parliament House in Canberra. Also, I had to prevent him from pulling the hair of pretty girls in elevators. Such attention seeker 🙂

This is one of my favorite photos from the hotel room, trying to get him to sleep. It perfectly captures what I do almost 5 times a day. Sometimes it takes 15 minutes, sometimes an hour. 🙂

Linking to WW by Natasha and Esha, Wordless wednesday
What a cutie he is! xx
Reminded me to trying to put my twins to sleep. They would never sleep at the same time. It was as if there was a switch which said the minute you go to sleep, I will wake up!
I am telling you Raj, this lil guy is going to be one lady-killer, he is too adorable! I remember spending ages to put my son to sleep, only for him to wake up ten minutes later!
So we have a hair puller here 🙂 How does mummy save her hair from the little master? The photos of the 2 of you are cute. If you get bored of the Itsy bitsy spider, consider switching to twinkle twinkle little star. It was my ‘go-to’ lori (lullaby).
Such a cutie! I’m sure he goes around stealing hearts!
Thank you. 😀
my mom use to tell me that i use to pull out the bindi from people’s forehead and eat it. i’ve been scolded about it even punished but till 5 years of age i still use to do that. babies are cute devils at times. i was laughing while reading your post & remembering the tales my mom narrated of our mischieves.
Hahaha that’s so cute. I wonder what all my little one is going to do next. Thank you for reading.
These are really lovely captures, specially the black and white one. Oh, pulling hair is something kids enjoy thoroughly. My son would pull glasses and throw them down. He has broken/damaged quite a few spectacles as a kid!
Hahaha 😀 they are so inquisitive at this age. Did he break any of yours?
I started wearing glasses when he turned fifteen. So, I was spared, but his father and grand parents have had quite a few damages and scares 😀
Hey if a cute baby pulled my hair while in the elevator I would play with them hehe I would say you can pull my hair all you want lol. I love babies though. I’m so glad you have pictures like these. A lot of moms don’t because they are the ones usually taking the pictures. I wish I had these precious ones of my kids. They are so beautiful.
Thank you. I want as many pictures as possible. In few years he won’t be staying still in my arms. 😀