My Precious | Wordless Wednesday

Traveling with the baby be like singing Itsy Bitsy Spider while sightseeing. 😀 That’s exactly what I am doing here when he got a bit cranky during our visit to the Parliament House in Canberra. Also, I had to prevent him from pulling the hair of pretty girls in elevators. Such attention seeker 🙂

Mother holding baby while traveling

This is one of my favorite photos from the hotel room, trying to get him to sleep. It perfectly captures what I do almost 5 times a day. Sometimes it takes 15 minutes, sometimes an hour. 🙂

Holding baby black and white photography

Linking to WW by Natasha and Esha, Wordless wednesday

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32 thoughts on “My Precious | Wordless Wednesday

  1. Hahaha…I can imagine! Babies LOVE grabbing hair and clothes and bags of those around them, especially when in enclosed spaces like the elevators. 😛
    Loved the black and white picture!

  2. Nothing like holding your baby close–the joy and peace is infinite. I love the second photo too. Ah, pulling hair of pretty girls – I think they enjoy pulling any hair they can grab in their tiny fists! I remember when Vidur was 6 months old, we took him out to the market and he accidentally burped on a girl’s hair. So hilarious. Then he just grabbed her hair. She was shocked and turned only to find this tiny human. Wonderful memories. I am glad you have so many photos to cherish, Raj!

    1. Awww there’s always something happening when we take little ones outside. Yes, holding him close brings me so much peace. Thank you for dropping by

  3. He’s such a cute-heart. Tugging at pretty girls hair is what my Mishki Moo also does. She is 9 months now.

    Itsy Bitsy Spider is

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