There are very few sights that are as heart-stopping as watching your baby grab a fistful of his freshly cut hair from the floor and direct it towards his mouth. As my little one is improving his motor skills, my reflexes are on overdrive. There are moments that feel like movie scenes where the hero stops an airplane just a breath away from crashing into the airport.
6 months comes with reaching milestones like sitting up and putting everything within the reach into the mouth. Safe to say our selfies are never going to be the same again.

6 months also marks the beginning of separation anxiety in babies and night time cryings. Just last week my baby woke up crying inconsolably after midnight. The only thing that calmed him down was holding the tap in the bathroom. So that’s what we did. Held the cold bathroom tap for half an hour till 1 in the morning. 😀
I am learning on the job. My parents went back home in August and since I have taken year-long maternity leave, I have enough time to be with the bub before I join the workforce. Undoubtedly, my YouTube searches have skyrocketed. 😛 You will be amazed by the amount of information available online. Things are still manageable except my baby needs to be “cradled and walked” to sleep. And if I try to sit down or even lean on the wall, he would throw a tantrum. I am at wit’s end trying to figure out how even with his eyes closed, could he know that I sat down. This boy sure knows how to keep mumma on toes.
As a result, my trapezius muscles have become quite distinct.

In fact, so distinct that I will be able to use it for floatation in the Tasman sea. 😛 Nothing like the graceful Michelle Obama. Although, all the lifting that I do all day long has enabled me to achieve a few Yoga arm balances. So, silver lining. 🙂
It’s not just the trapezius that has increased. In the past 6 months I have done enough singing for a lifetime, and more. My neighbors must have lost their hearing listening to numerous rendition of Itsy Bitsy spider, the bear went over the mountain and a miserable rendering of Shallow by Lady Gaga. My baby would often lift his hand and touch my face. I found it adorable, thinking maybe he is trying to find out the source of the sound. Although now I have a feeling that he might be trying to shut me off. 😛
Looking forward to many more beautiful moments. Here’s my muffin, before he attacked the plate of laddus.

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OK so it is not just my babies that would refuse to let me sit down while holding them? That used to drive me completely batty! I get that they wanted to be held but why could they not let me do it sitting comfortably on the sofa with my eyes closed for a bit? I also had to be holding them, standing up and looking them in the eye or they squawked LOL