Lee Wave|Cloud Formation

It was after 5 pm when I happened to look outside the window of our living room. The horizon looked purple so I went out to check if I could catch a sunset. But I was welcomed by this view of UFO looking cloud formation, which I later found out is called Lee Wave cloud formation.

Lee Wave Cloud Formation | Photography
Lee Wave Cloud Formation | Photography

Doesn’t it look fascinating? I have actually seen these a lot in Sydney. Maybe because of the Illawara escarpment.

Lee Wave Cloud Formation | Photography
Lee Wave Cloud Formation

Right next to the cloud formation, I also caught this speck of golden stationary cloud.

Clouds at Sunset

Linking to wordless wednesday, Skywatch Friday, All seasons, wordless wednesday by Esha and Natasha

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Lee Wave Cloud Formation | Photography

Related Post: Gorgeous Sunsets in Sydney

19 thoughts on “Lee Wave|Cloud Formation

  1. This cloud formation is so interesting and yet unusual, Rajlakshmi. I’ve seen some very unique ones here in Bangalore, mostly from the earlier home. But clouds can be very fascinating and I loved all the pictures you’ve shared here today with us.

    P.S. I’m so sorry for having missed out your name when I tweeted about our #ww linkup this morning. Please do join us with your post, Raj. Here goes the link: https://theskygirl.com/2019/07/23/when-art-comes-to-the-street-wordlesswednesday/

  2. That burst of Gold looks so stunning! If it was seen in India, people would have been like God is descending or something 😛

  3. By a weird coincidence my new post is also UFO related but damn, have never seen this cloud formation before in my life and I would have definitely thought something unnatural had I seen it.

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