Yoga day with my 70 years old Dad

Today, I celebrated International Yoga Day with my Dad for the first time. He turned 70 this year, but we don’t dare call him “old”, because he is still our Shah Rukh Khan, young and dashing. 😀

My Mom often complains that he is a little bit too active for his age. While serving in defense forces, my Dad was always conscious of healthy living. But after retirement, he has completely turned into a fitness freak. In fact, he carried on his daily ritual of walking at least 3 km here in Sydney as well.

Back home, he would wake up at 4 in the morning, go for an hour long walk, and then do jumping jacks, sit-ups or practice yoga. As the temperatures are really low early morning in Sydney, he walks after breakfast, completing about 3k to 4K steps. If the weather isn’t suitable, he would pace either in the room or walk on our treadmill. And if his aging limbs aren’t aching in the evening, he would go on another walk.

Sometimes he works out so much that mom and I would pull him out of his exercise and ask him to sit on the couch and watch TV. 😛 It’s not that his joints don’t hurt, but he would apply pain relief gel and walk again. 🙂

So let me introduce you all to my Dad.

Top : Bridge Pose, Bottom: Upward dog pose
Top: Balancing a Sunbird pose, Bottom: Toe touches for flexibility
He loves doing Kapalbhati

I too joined him. It’s been 10 weeks since I gave birth to my boy. My Diastasis Recti has improved so I can start doing some more core exercises in the coming weeks. Yo planks! Yo Pushups! But for now, I am doing lots of stretches and pelvic workouts to heal and strengthen my body. I will be writing a separate post on my postpartum fitness.

Eagle Pose/Garudasana
Yoga poses -yoga pose photos from yoga day
Top: Side Plank, Bottom: Extended Side Angle Pose

I am able to hold headstands again. Yayyy! So ending the post with one of Yoga Inversions (which you might remember are my favorite).

headstand - yoga pose photos from yoga day

Did you celebrate Yoga Day today? Do share a link if you have written about it.

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yoga pose photos from yoga day

Related Post : My Yoga Journey – So far

17 thoughts on “Yoga day with my 70 years old Dad

  1. Your dad is such an inspiration honestly! If he can do it, anyone can do it. He is doing it perfectly at this age. You too are very good at balancing. Well done you! My husband practices Yoga and I must try as well. I know it has so many benefits. I am now inspired too 🙂

  2. Aha! So the fitness and yoga genes run in your family. Your dad is a cool dude at 70 with so much discipline for fitness and is so flexible too. Both of you are inspiring!

  3. Wow! That is so amazing that he is able to do all of this at 70! He is a huge inspiration! I want to be like him when I grow up hehe 🙃

  4. Your dad’s an inspiration! (You, too, but I look at him and think, “If he can do it…” You, I can make all kinds of excuses for why I can’t keep up, y’know.)

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