Melt in a sigh | Short Love Poem

"You live in a world behind foggy mirrors,
unreachable of sorts.
I, in a universe too obscure.
Flying through space and time,
sometimes, when our timelines collide,
you look at me with a wicked grin
and I
melt in a sigh."

I have always loved the chemistry between Doctor Who and River Song. Being a huge fan of the show, I had them in mind while writing this piece and editing the picture below – a misty winter morning in Sydney.

foggy morning photography editing


Linking to Wordless Wednesday by Esha and Natasha
Wordless Wednesday


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Related Post: I Once Met A Broken Sunset

9 thoughts on “Melt in a sigh | Short Love Poem

  1. My husband also watches Dr. Who. I just cannot understand it. Guess I’m a bit slow or something. Loved your pictures – thanks for sharing!

  2. Oh this is so pretty! The poetry is just apt and the misty scene looks straight out of a film! How did you get the mood? Filters? Thank you for joining us for #ww this week, Rajlakshmi.

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