My Sister’s love for 50 kg of Poultry Feed

Being the awesome elder sister, I have done some pretty weird stuffs for my siblings. So earlier this year when my sister asked me for 5 kg of Urea, I thought that was the end of it all. But then all of a sudden few months back, I got an urgent call from my sister right in the middle of the night. She was in the 4th year of doing PhD and trying to create a protein to cure a bird disease. (Please don’t ask me to explain what it means, I can barely understand her PhD wala language)

“Di Di I need 50 kg of feed”, she said excitedly.

“hein!!!!”, the most intelligent reply I have reserved for things I don’t understand.

“Poultry feed, poultry feed” 


I had started suspecting if this call was some kind of a hallucination.

Then she explained that more than 50 chicks had grown up in the laboratory and now were in dire need of food. She further tried to educate me on how the feed would be measured and mixed and divided and some other stuffs, but by that time I had zombied-out. But I was brought back to my senses when she told that if there was any delay, her experiment might not get the required ‘Result’.

Let me just state that my whole family is emotionally, physically, financially and mentally invested in her ‘Result’. For 4 years we have been eagerly waiting for my sister to achieve the correct Result in her experiments, although we have absolutely no idea what it means or looks like.

So when she dropped the ‘R’ bomb, I couldn’t possibly let her Results be ruined by some hungry chicks. My mom would have otherwise rocketed her broom over the Indian Ocean to Australia.

So in the end, her chicks were nicely fed, the Results achieved (we still have no idea what it means) and in November she will receive her PhD. And the best news is last month she drew her first salary, after joining a Regional Research Laboratory. I have no idea how out of the three of us, she ended up being the one with the brains. Maybe it’s the poultry feed!! 😛

Her current state of mind is:

humorous phd story


But sibling being sibling, she dug out an alien photo of mine and thanked me by sending it over whatsapp, after a good laugh of course. Like seriously, this was exactly a decade ago, when we were a bunch of pesky siblings who found love and understanding in our own chair-throwing, hair pulling ways.

Can you recognise me? 😛


Related Post: Sister Vs Kungfu Cow

17 thoughts on “My Sister’s love for 50 kg of Poultry Feed

  1. Aww it is lovely to know that your sister has got job in Research Laboratory and you and your family have been so supportive of her phD dream. My dad also wanted me to do pHD but i got carried away with my family responsibilities.

  2. Kudos to your sister for her Results, PhD and first salary. That calls for a huge celebration, the “hein”s not withstanding. I love the title of your post and the image about having to re-read the thesis. I totally understand! Thanks for the lovely read, Raj. Siblings are the best. I don’t have any but some very close friends absolutely qualify.

  3. “Hein” is the universal answer, I think, for stuff you have no clue about! I remember your UREA wala post and thought how come I missed out on this one!
    You are the eldest, right? In the picture you look like the youngest! ;P
    I am glad your sis fulfilled her dreams, Raj! ❤

  4. ha ha ha i love the story. u r on the extreme left i think. sisters are like that only can’t leave them so have to love them only. my sis will call me at random hours and tell me u r coming home tomorrow. that’s like an ultimatum beyond that u’re to rearrange everything to make it to her place… else it’s world war 3

  5. Hahaha! I like the involvement of your family in your sister’s “result”. Glad that she got the result she expected and congratulations to her for her new job and salary!! Yes, you are very recognizable in the pic and like us, you being the eldest, look the youngest 🙂

    1. I remember reading this post earlier and today too it brought some smiles and laughs!! 50 kg of feed… and that too in the middle of the night… glad that the chicks were fed on time and the result was all that you were looking forward to 😀

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