10 on 10 – Short Sad Poems

I have always believed that poetry is the language of the heart. The words have never failed me before, but now, often I end up grasping at the threads of imagination. Holding on to the last of syllables. These letters are trying to slip away from my clasp. Is my heart slowly, painlessly, forgetting how to talk? 

It was my desire to revive my dormant poetry blog this year, but with so many projects that I am currently working on, the task is quite challenging. So here I am, writing short poems and rewriting some old ones, to get back on my Poetry Wagon. I sincerely hope that you will like them. 🙂

Where are the Angels?

sad poems - poetry


The Apartment


sad poems - poetry




sad poems - poetry - dreams

I used to write poetry

sad poems - poetry


sad poems - poetry


sad poems - poetry

Rag picker

sad poems - poetry

Seasonssad poems - poetry

In case you are wondering – my parents call me Sunjhini 🙂 

Please don’t hesitate to leave any feedback in the comments section, I really appreciate it 🙂
Thanks for reading.


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