My theme for this year’s #atozchallenge is – 26 Yogasana. So brace yourself for 26 days of stretching, backbends and inversions, as I take you along my upside down evenings, sincerely hoping that you will find these posts helpful 🙂
Keeping it real!!
Let’s sit, relax and enjoy this never-seen-before video of my epic fails over the years while doing Yoga. Thankfully (touchwood), I never got injured. I just picked myself up and did it again 😛
Previous Posts:
A: Always Stretch – Anjaneyasana
B: Being a Wannabe Crow
C: Chakrasana
D: Dandasana
E: Eight Angle Pose
F: Fallen Angel Pose
G: Garudasana
H: Handstand
I : Inversion
J: Janu Sirsasana
K: Koundiyasana
L : Lord of the Dance
M: Mermaid Pose
N: Navasana
O : Ostrich Pose
P : Can you Plow?
Q: Quarter Dog
R: Revolved Poses
S: Side Crow Swag
T : Triangle
U: Utrasana or Camel Pose
V: Vasisthasana
W: Wild Thing
A comprehensive post for anybody looking for some motivation to indulge in yoga, and for those who can pick up this challenge this year!
LOL! But in the end you succeeded, so these are not fails, but rather useful tried on your way to succees ^_^
The Old Shelter – 1940s Film Noir
Your fails really didn’t look that bad, but then, I guess I don’t know enough about yoga to know what the intended positions were. 🙂
Thanks for sharing, though, and Happy A to Zing!
What a wonderful post and theme! I’m so glad I found your blog. 🙂
Amazing Rajlakshmi. I am learning the benefits of yoga and stretching myself. Sometimes, I fail but there is always room for improvement.
“I just picked myself up and did it again”… love your spirit, Raj!!
Enjoyed your video montage. Great that you picked yourself up and kept trying. Perseverance is everything. WeekendsInMaine