Yogasana: The Fallen Angel #atozchallenge

My theme for this year’s  #atozchallenge is – 26 Yogasana. So brace yourself for 26 days of stretching, backbends and inversions, as I take you along my upside down evenings, sincerely hoping that you will find these posts helpful 🙂

 Fallen Angel

I fell in love with this pose ever since I saw it on Pinterest. It looks so graceful and mystical. But while practicing, I was all kinds of clumsy. Took me a while to get my legs straight 🙂

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Here’s how I clumsily get into this pose 😛

This pose made me aware of my core, of my legs and arms that were supporting it. My whole body was engaged to maintain the balance and not tip over (which I did a lot in my early days, leading to the entertainment of my husband 😛 ) Fallen Angel also requires hip flexibility so it helped that I was already working on my side splits.


Disclaimer: I am not an Instructor or Yoga teacher, only a regular Hatha Yoga practitioner who is passionate about fitness. I am writing this series to detail my learning and experience during the practice. Please consult a Physician/Doctor before starting any exercise regime as some of the poses might contradict with your existing medical issues, for example injuries related to spinal cord, knee, ankle, wrists, neck, medical conditions like Migraine, Diabetics, Asthma etc.


Stay Strong and Humble! Namaste.

Previous Posts:
A: Always Stretch – Anjaneyasana
B: Being a Wannabe Crow
C: Chakrasana
: Dandasana
E: Eight Angle Pose

14 thoughts on “Yogasana: The Fallen Angel #atozchallenge

  1. Wonderful attempt, Rajlakshmi!
    Very graceful, not at all clumsy.
    Thinking if I can I attempt this without getting ache/sprain 🙂

  2. I dont have that sort of strength in my arms that can support my entire body and hence I know how difficult it is to stand inverted on them. I really admire your spirit 🙂

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