My theme for this year’s #atozchallenge is – 26 Yogasana. So brace yourself for 26 days of stretching, backbends and inversions, as I take you along my upside down evenings, sincerely hoping that you will find these posts helpful 🙂
Natrajasana or Lord of the Dance
I find this pose very musical and graceful. It’s like you are in the middle of a dance sequence, on the beats of a classical number. As a beginner, I found balancing in Natrajasana very difficult. Practicing with the support of the wall has helped me to be more stable and engaged. Like most of the balancing poses, you need to be mindful of your gaze. Calm your mind, look straight, breathe normally and then try to lift your leg.
Disclaimer: I am not an Instructor or Yoga teacher, only a regular Hatha Yoga practitioner who is passionate about fitness. I am writing this series to detail my learning and experience during the practice. Please consult a Physician/Doctor before starting any exercise regime as some of the poses might contradict with your existing medical issues, for example injuries related to spinal cord, knee, ankle, wrists, neck, medical conditions like Migraine, Diabetics, Asthma etc.
Previous Posts:
A: Always Stretch – Anjaneyasana
B: Being a Wannabe Crow
C: Chakrasana
D: Dandasana
E: Eight Angle Pose
F: Fallen Angel Pose
G: Garudasana
H: Handstand
I : Inversion
J: Janu Sirsasana
K: Koundiyasana
I can do this one but can’t really stand for long. I’m impressed by your balance.
Every Pose is classical in yoga. Sthiram , sukkam , asanam. You are doing well.