Yogasana: Do you like Planking #atozchallenge

My theme for this year’s #atozchallenge is – 26 Yogasana. So brace yourself for 26 days of stretching, backbends and inversions, as I take you along my upside down evenings, sincerely hoping that you will find these posts helpful 🙂

Vasisthasana or Side Planks

The full version of Vasisthasana is beyond me, so I only practice the beginner level of Vasisthasana, which is popularly known as Side Planks. This is a powerful arms, wrists and core workout and I have found it extremely effective in toning my obliques.

If you have trouble balancing a side plank, then practice it near the wall, with your toes pressed against it. Lift your torso, don’t let it slack. Also it is advisable that you warm up your wrists before planking.

On another note, here’s my video of plank variations for a stronger core.

Mixing it up – Planking and Yoga for a core workout. Anywhere. Anytime. 😀😀 . . I love doing 5 minute plank challenges but with variations… Each for a 20 sec rep. I struggle so hard to hold a normal plank for over a minute… It burns… Really burns 🙈😂 adding variations keeps it more interesting 💁 These are few of the variations that I love doing. A strong core makes yoga inversions easier to hold and keeps your shoulders, spine and neck safe. . Let me know in the comment section which is your favorite plank variation 😀 . . . . #video #fitnessvideo #yogajourney #lifestyle #happiness #fitlife #strong #yogaeveryday #yogagoals #yogaathome #nogym #practiceandalliscoming #fitwomen #inversionjunkie #homeworkout #fitnessjourney #workoutvideos #fitgirlsvideos

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Disclaimer: I am not an Instructor or Yoga teacher, only a regular Hatha Yoga practitioner who is passionate about fitness. I am writing this series to detail my learning and experience during the practice. Please consult a Physician/Doctor before starting any exercise regime as some of the poses might contradict with your existing medical issues, for example injuries related to spinal cord, knee, ankle, wrists, neck, medical conditions like Migraine, Diabetics, Asthma etc.

Previous Posts:
A: Always Stretch – Anjaneyasana
B: Being a Wannabe Crow
C: Chakrasana
D: Dandasana
E: Eight Angle Pose
F: Fallen Angel Pose
G: Garudasana
H: Handstand
I : Inversion
: Janu Sirsasana
K: Koundiyasana
L : Lord of the Dance
M: Mermaid Pose
N: Navasana
O : Ostrich Pose
P : Can you Plow?
Q: Quarter Dog
R: Revolved Poses
S: Side Crow Swag
T : Triangle
U: Utrasana or Camel Pose

17 thoughts on “Yogasana: Do you like Planking #atozchallenge

  1. I used to do planks in my Zumba classes and remember how much muscle pain I had in my arms and shoulders. But I am sure u do it perfectly. 🙂

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