My theme for this year’s #atozchallenge is – 26 Yogasana. So brace yourself for 26 days of stretching, backbends and inversions, as I take you along my upside down evenings, sincerely hoping that you will find these posts helpful 🙂
I have been working on my splits for over 6 months now. One of the key aspects of attaining flexibility is to relax the muscles while holding the pose. But before we slide into any stretching position, warming up the body is important. Jogging, Running, Butt kicks, jumping jacks, a set Suryanamaskar – you can pick any of your favourite form of warmup.
I start my stretches with Low Lunge or Anjaneyasana, holding it for 10 – 15 breaths before switching the leg. It is advisable to hold the knee in 90 degree angle (knee shouldn’t cross the toes), but for a deeper stretch, as long as there’s not much pressure on the knee, you can bend your leg further so that the pelvis is nearer to the floor.
This is a wonderful hip stretch that also strengthens the supporting muscles for the knees, opens up your shoulders, lungs and chest, improves your balance and builds core awareness. If you have difficulty maintaining balance then please practice it near the wall.
Disclaimer: I am not an Instructor or Yoga teacher, only a regular Hatha Yoga practitioner who is passionate about fitness. I am writing this series to detail my learning and experience during the practice. Please consult a Physician/Doctor before starting any exercise regime as some of the poses might contradict with your existing medical issues, for example injuries related to spinal cord, knee, ankle, wrists, neck, medical conditions like Migraine, Diabetics, Asthma etc.
Stay Strong and Humble! Namaste.
I have always been a yoga lover but being very lazy, I leave it after a week or two. My favorite is Sarvangasana 🙂 Will go through all your posts in good time 🙂
I admire people who can do what you do, mostly because there’s no way I could do it.
John Holton
A to Z Challenge Co-Host
The Sound Of One Hand Typing
I used to be a Yoga enthusiast till other fitness fads like running, cycling and strength training kicked in. I miss yoga. Please inspire me to go back ☺️
Great one Rajalaxmi!
Blog: natashamusing
Theme: Travel Epiphanies
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