“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.”
― Plato
I believe, in our heart, we all are good people. We want more goodness in this world and see others happy too. This world is still a beautiful place because of the many kind samaritans who have invested time and energy in empowering or bringing happiness to someone else’s life.
I feel extremely proud of my amazing catwoman friend – Ranjini, who lives with her furry babies and has helped numerous abandoned fur babies to find a loving home.
Beware – cuteness overloaded.
Over to Ranjini!
Kitty aka Kichipoo
My first “official” pet cat who I found on my door step in Chennai at this age (max 1.5 months or so) all wet and shivering. I took her in for the night with no idea of what to feed her (back in 2011) gave her milk but madam didn’t even touch it. Then rushed to the store at 10 pm to get her cat food 😀 Since then I know that you should not really give cat milk 😀 My baby now stays with my mom as I had to send her to mom’s when I got married. Now 5.5 yrs old, she will always be my special baby.
Snowy and Woody Day 1
Got them in 2013 Jan. They were born in a friend’s home from a stray cat, and she failed to get them adopted. Finally, she approached me as I had decided by then that I needed a pair of cats in my life. They are my life, big fat bums they are now 🙂
Snowy and Woody – present day.
Ruby and Pearly
Ruby, Pearly, Vinny (who got adopted later) The trio girls came to me from a rescuer -a young girl who couldn’t keep them with her due to landlord issues. I tried to get them adopted too but it never happened hence now they are my girls 🙂 They love me a lot and so do I!
Spooky came to me in May 2016. His white mix sibling got adopted quickly but the adopter left this one behind as he is black (which is believed to be a bad omen 🙁 ). So he ended up with me. He is so gorgeous that I couldn’t let go of him after all who doesn’t want a mini panther? ❤
Vinny is Ruby and Pearly’s sister who got adopted and then lost due to carelessness of the adopter 🙁 . Since then I don’t coordinate adoptions, as can’t take chance with most people who think animals are replaceable toys. I miss her so much…wish she was with me 🙁
My Stray Dog Group
I have been feeding them for the past 3 years – none more loyal than one who knows what it is to be betrayed (a hungry abused animal)
(That’s Ranjini – feeding the Dogs in Shimla where she was vacationing. There’s no holiday for a kindred soul )
I consider this my most successful foster till date as she was only 45 days old and had caught a deadly disease called Parvovirus which kills most pups. I had lost pretty much 7 days of sleep being with her 24/7 literally because she used to cry loudly the minute I left the room, but was worth saving her life! She is all grown up now and a happy girl. <3
My foster kid adopted and happy
My li’l foster kitten, feisty like a lil leopard and used to hiss at my boys who were like 10 times her size 😛 She passed away due an unidentified illness after fighting for 4 days with that frail li’l body! 🙁 I still cry when I remember her!
I had actually adopted her before Spooky but the li’l firework was so active and feisty that she was getting depressed indoors, so I had to find another home and gave to a family who could keep her as a semi indoor cat. Hope she is doing well.
The li’l baby Sheru who growled at Adi (husband) 😛 He stayed with me for just 1 day and he got adopted the next day coz he is sooooo cute! ❤
The sweet cat who was sweet and cuddly only to humans but hated other cats 😛 She was given for adoption by a guy who later couldn’t stay without her and came and took her back!!
No one says foster care always has to be at home. It can be right on the street, especially when the poor fur kid has a contagious disease. Shaky has almost crossed the deadly canine distemper disease and is recovering well but needs food everyday because she is too weak to scavenge. Thanks to my understanding husband Aditya, we drive down to her area at 12 am every night to give her some warm food 🙂
I was completely overwhelmed with emotions Ranjini sent me this. We humans are capable of so much love and kindness. We have the power to make everything right
We are the world is an amazing initiative aimed at spreading more joyous stories in social media, which these days is filled with violence, hatred and negativity. Read more about it here
The co-hosts for this month are: Belinda Witzenhausen, Lynn Hallbrooks, Simon Falk, Sylvia McGrath, and Damyanti Biswas.
This is a very cute and caring post. And yes, who doesn’t want a mini black panther? 😉 Thanks for joining our blogfest Simon’s Still Stanza #WATWB
Aw….. it takes a lot of love to open up your home and life to strays…..
I love cats! So I love any story that helps cats in some way. Thank you for posting! #WATWB