Happiness Is …

Happiness is – doing the things you love. 

Happiness is …

1) Decorating the living room with your own paintings

I have always loved african woman paintings. Always attracted to the life in bright colors and swaying forms. So since I was already in artistic gear, the first two days of the new year were spent painting my heart out. These are not my original ideas but inspired from the ones I found on Pinterest.

2) Receiving Postcard from Japan.

It’s been years since I had received a postcard of any sort. So imagine how delighted I was when I received this lovely message from my friend in Japan. Thank you so much Mel.

3) Hiking in the mountains

Fitzroy Falls, Australia

4) Nailing the Side Crow

Side Crow was super tough for me when I first started. In fact, I even gave up practicing it. A lot of wall handstands and weight workout later, I could finally balance this crow pose variation. And when I tried it again, I wasn’t dipping anymore, it was straighter than before. This is a step towards nailing one of my Yoga Goals – the Fallen Angel.

Check out the video I followed to get into Side Crow Yoga Pose.

And, of course, FRIDAYS make me happy! 😇

Do share in the comment section what activities keep you Happy? 😁

22 thoughts on “Happiness Is …

  1. Loved reading your post. Postcards are rear now a days and I know can see how happy you must be when u received it. Yoga pose is just speechless ��

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