The Curious Case of Mysterious Pee

mysterious pee
By now you must have already read how adventurous my stay was at home. But, my dear friends, you haven’t heard the end of it yet. Among other things, a curious case of a mysterious ‘pee’ had kept the household on its toes. It all started few weeks before my arrival. One fine morning, my Mom and Mausi detected a horrendous smell emanating from the kitchen door. It smelled like public toilets and old downtrodden lanes where people answer nature’s call.
Aghast by the audacity of anyone defiling the beautiful kitchen, they were women on a mission (OCD driven mission to be specific), who swore to punish the culprit by hanging them by their thumbs. But who could it be? Apart from the three grown women, resided a teenager, a 4-year-old and Nikki – the Dog, in the house. For a minute, all eyes stared at my little cousin who was busy drowning my mom’s mobile in the water jug, again. The Dog was a little too posh to indulge in such a shameful act.
No no, my son couldn’t have smelled like that … this isn’t human… it’s something else“, my Mausi proclaimed ominously.
“Yes, but what!”
This continued for few more days. Each morning, the household would wake up to a foul-smelling kitchen. 
And then they saw, the white creature with eyes glistening in the sunlight,  peeking through the door, eyeing pieces of freshly marinated fish. 
Ahhha…  It was their eureka moment…  The moment when the mystery was resolved. My cousin was no longer eyed with suspicion but got some ‘ear twisting’ for drinking a small bottle of Dabur honey and filling the bottle with water. 
Even though the mystery was resolved the problem persisted. The feral cat would defile our door every single night for some weird reason.  It was during this mayhem did I arrive.  My family was at their wit’s end. Rubbing and scrubbing, day and night with Dettol, Phenyl and whatever unbranded liquid was available. It was on these days that I had to chase my Mom out of the kitchen as her surgery stitches were still healing. 
An SOS message was sent to my cat loving friend, who further solved the mystery. Looks like animals like to pee in the same spot if they sniff a hint of their bodily ablutions. I was told that cats hate the smell of orange and lime. So that night, our house was purified with lime and orange juices, sprayed here, there, everywhere.
From what I know, at least till today, the cat has been exorcised from the house!



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