Katoomba Falls | Blue Mountains

Katoomba Falls – located in UNESCO World heritage site Blue Mountains, is a segmented waterfall on river Kedumba, in the region of New South Wales (Australia), about 103 Km from Sydney CBD.

Since I stay comparatively nearer, it took me around an hour to reach Katoomba. Parking the car at a park near Scenic World East Station and I walked down the well maintained pathway towards Katoomba Falls Reserve.
From here, the boardwalks take you towards various bushwalking paths that visitors can take.
There are a lot of lookout points along the way, where you can see the stunning Blue Mountains from different angles.


Blue Mountains is a great place for hiking, a favorite of many adventure lovers, including me. But today, I was just casually strolling along the cliff, picking easy routes, enjoying the view that lay in front of me.


Cable car, carrying passengers from Scenic View to Sky way East Station. In the backdrop you can see the iconic Three Sisters Rock.


Katoomba Falls

 travel, waterfall
Katoomba Falls and The Three Sisters Rock


Nearby Attraction: Echo Point
How to Reach: Drive towards Scenic World, Parking available in Katoomba Park
No Entry Fees


5 Stunning Lookouts in Blue Mountains
Blue Mountains – Scenic Cableway
The magnificent Blue Mountains

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Related Post: Beautiful Sunset at Echo Point Lookout Blue Mountains

5 Stunning Lookouts in Blue Mountains

24 thoughts on “Katoomba Falls | Blue Mountains

  1. OMG the view is stunning.. just mesmerizingly beautiful.. especially the view from the sky.. wow.. wish i could visit this place..

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