I’ve got a crush on the World – 3

“The moon rose above the canopy and a dreamy mist swirled around our knees as we danced, fingers entwined and hearts in sync with the universe; just a prince and his princess, a boy and a girl, learning to love in a beautiful world.” 

Continuing my – ‘I’ve got a crush on the World‘ series. 

1. A Jetty at Wangi Wangi (No I didn’t make up the name :P), Lake Macquarie, Australia

2. Trip to Southern beaches is never complete without visit Nan Tien Temple, Wollongong, Australia

3. The beautiful Customs Tower at La Perouse Beach, Australia

4. Who doesn’t love Glorious sunrises, clicked at Clovelly Beach, Sydney

5. When nature made me feel so insignificant at Pulpit Rock View Point, Blue Mountains, Australia

6. When I tried River Crossing for the first time, Thenmala Adventure Park, Kerala, India

7. When you find the spot! Warrah Lookout, Central Coast Australia.

Photography – My awesome Husband who runs VividLightsStudio

Previous posts:

I’ve got a crush on the World
I’ve got a crush on the World 2 

‘I am taking my Alexa rank to the next level with Blogchatter‘.

32 thoughts on “I’ve got a crush on the World – 3

  1. These are mindnblowing! How did you manage to get these wonderful snaps too (apart from visiting these beautiful places!) I'm jealous! 😀 And the title just nailed it!

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