What you don’t know, can hurt you!

“To know yet to think that one does not know is best; Not to know yet to think that one knows will lead to difficulty.” -Lao Tau

If you search Google for ‘how to cure acne’, overnight application of garlic juice comes up as one of the recommendations. But, do you know that leaving garlic on you skin overnight can lead to second degree burns? Long ago when I was foolish, someone said garlic juice removes dark marks on the skin. I left a piece of raw garlic on my shin overnight, only to wake up with that section peeled off. Even the white layer underneath was visible. Now when I look at the suggestions on Google, I feel terrified at the amount of half baked information available so freely. Imagine someone leaving garlic on face and waking up with burns!!

I have relied on Google for a lot of queries, we all do, but every answer needs to be taken with a pinch of salt. 


The same goes for workouts. Planks and it’s variations are incredible core exercises, which can be done anywhere, anytime. Simple, effective – I feel it’s a power pack. But, if the correct posture is not maintained, it would be an invitation to terrible lower back pain.

How about the stereotypes and misconceptions we have about people and cultures we have never experienced?  The cuisines that we ridicule, along with religious beliefs and ancient traditions. Not knowing and understanding enough about our neighbours is why our world is in such a quandary.


We all are adventurous in our hearts, we love to try new things – be it beauty, food, health, travel … with so much information at fingertips away, both good and bad, we need to educate ourselves, because :

“A little learning is a dangerous thing; 
drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: 

there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, 

and drinking largely sobers us again.”

Blog-A-Thon Prompt – What you don’t know

46 thoughts on “What you don’t know, can hurt you!

  1. Half knowledge is always a scary thing. By the way, raw onion rubbed on a balding scalp is supposed to work. My milkman endorses it. Heheheh.

  2. True, half baked knowledge and little learning is dangerous. Google is our life line now-a-days, but the info should be verified before putting it to use. Liked that infographic!

  3. Garlic has many uses in cooking but as a beauty product 🙂 Glad that you didn't put it all over your face. Great tips about right postures while exercising.

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