Rolling hills of Gerringong |Werri Beach | Australia

Last Saturday I got to enjoy a slice of Tuscany in Australia. About 150 km north of where I stay in Sydney, is this emerald paradise, a popular wedding photography location called Gerringong – Rolling green hills, acres and acres of grassy land, and a spectacular view of the azure sea. In addition, a crisp cerulean sky, and voila – a perfect one-day weekend getaway.

As we are at the tail end of winter, the weekend was blessed with balmy weather and cool winds. Packed with water bottles, hot drinks, and warm clothes (in case the weather bailed on us) we drove towards Gerringong. I always stop by Mt Pleasant, even if for a few minutes. This view is similar to the paintings I used to make with my little fingers during my childhood.

Mt Pleasant, right off Princess Highway

We drove past Werri Beach, towards the rock pool, looking for a good vantage point. 
Luckily, the car park wasn’t too busy. Although I was excited to see the scenery from the top, the hill was quite steep. I was out of breath by the time I reached the top. But it was the view that really made me breathless.

I love how benches are placed at proper spots for visitors to sit and enjoy the scene.


When the wild wind blows and the leaves turn, a tree changes its colors.

We walked further and came across Gerringong Cemetery. You can reach this spot by driving too as a car park is available nearby.


Free Access
On Google Maps – Look for Werri Beach Rock Pool, park your car and then walk uphill.

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17 thoughts on “Rolling hills of Gerringong |Werri Beach | Australia

  1. Spectacular pictures and those views are breathtaking. You make me want to visit the place right away! Thanks so much for taking us along, Rajlakshmi. 🙂

  2. I have been to Sydney twice, both times for a few day getaway, without a car. Now I want to go back. These photos are lovely, what a magical spot you found.

  3. I just love the curved beach and the view from that chair 🙂

    Destination Infinity

  4. The south coast of New South Wales is so beautiful. When I lived in Sydney, I often travelled down to Kiama and occasionally went further to Gerringong. I did not see the cemetery, however.

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