Of Introverts and Alien Pose

That day when I stood in a corner, waiting for my chance to talk to the awesome speaker we had invited for a workshop, I realised how ‘not being tall enough‘, ‘not pretty enough‘, ‘not confident enough‘ felt like. I never got a chance because the speaker was having fun talking with the other vivacious group. It was then I promised that I will not be that person who ignores the quiet introvert souls, who have so much to offer but fail to do so, who are just as alive and funny when you make an attempt to know them. 
Source – Pinterest

Every time I see my teammate (a brilliant Developer and a mother of three) run 17 km to the office atleast 3 times a week (for fitness not because there’s no train 😉 ), I promise myself that I will try to be fit, if not like her at least somewhere near.

A snapshot of my Yoga Goals on Pinterest

That first Yoga Asana is called ‘Alien Wheel Pose’. I see how it got its name. The first time I tried attempting it, I felt all kinds of muscles alien to me.

source – Pinterest

This is how it looks like in it complete glory. I don’t even know why this pose is on my Yoga Goals list. Seriously, what is happening there? Not even the next life will be enough to gain this much flexibility. Until I had started practicing Yoga, I never completely realized how much dedication, hardwork  and patience each of these pictures showcase. The promise they must’ve made to themselves, to achieve the goals they dreamt of. 

Blog-a-rhythm Prompt – Promise


29 thoughts on “Of Introverts and Alien Pose

  1. Shudder to think of ever attempting anything so life-threatening as that asana! Girl, you are a rockstar and I am sure you warm and charm, every life you touch! Love and hugs 🙂

  2. That's a pretty impressive goal on pinterest – if you ask me I'll be such a horrible attempt at yoga – specially that Alien Wheel one – I'll be like those slug type aliens!!

  3. Here I go discovering yet another introvert. If not for blogging which led so many introverts to cross my path, I would have continued to have felt an alien on this planet and I am no way talking about that 1st yoga pose. I love nature and animals more than people.

  4. I've attended the best Yoga classes in Australia. At the end of the 1.5 hour session my arms would tremble. But o boy, what a learning experience it was!

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