Independence Day – A mirage in Assam?

If someone asks me today how I celebrated Independence Day while growing up, I have an answer, but of which I am not proud of.

assam sunrise
Sunrise, Jorhat


Ever since I can remember, Assam Bandh was synonymous with Independence Day, 15th August. Various militant outfits would often declare a dawn-to-dusk Bandh, wherein the state would come to a complete standstill. People, afraid to venture outside, would stock their homes with food supplies, specially vegetables and milk. My Mom too would mark the days before Independence day as a reminder to make sure we don’t run out of cooking gas and oil, or that my siblings don’t travel around that time. 
“I don’t remember when was the last time there was no boycott call by any militant groups during the Republic Day or Independence Day celebrations in the state. In the late 1990s and early 2000s it was worse, when the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) was very active. A bandh called by the ULFA during any national day was fully observed. The residents kept themselves locked inside their houses as army men with guns in their hands guarded the roads during those bandhs,” recalls Sunil Pawan Barua, political commentator and historian. Source – OneIndia

I still remember my third year in Engineering College, when I was made the mess secretary for the month of August – the most dreadful time for anyone maintaining a hostel of 200 boarders. I had to stock the kitchen with non-perishable items for three days and buy an extra gas cylinder as the markets don’t open even on days before and after the 15th. The non perishable items tend to be more expensive so that means I was on the verge of going beyond the budget. Add in the fact that if the food wasn’t delicious, I would be facing the wrath of 200 hungry girls 😛 Well, I managed to survive the month, with few hiccups here and there.
In 2008, when I moved out of Assam and started living in Chennai, I celebrated my first Independence day outside, on the roads, with a sticker of the Indian flag stuck on my shirt. After that I never got a chance to visit the state during Independence Day, but I have heard that the situation has improved, but only slightly. 
Comparatively Jorhat, my hometown, is a fairly peaceful city. And yet in every nook and corner of the busy streets of Garali (the shopping area) you will find an Army or CRPF Soldier, armed with weapons, guarding the place. It has been years since Army was deployed in civil areas. In fact the sight is so common now that the residents walk by nonchalantly, without a second thought. 
It is only when you walk on the streets of Chennai or Bangalore or even Delhi and don’t see a Khaki uniformed soldier posted in every narrow lane, you realise the gravity of the situation.
In the past 3 days, 16 people have been killed, 15 injured in different instances by militant groups. Security is beefed up and the state is on high alert. I asked my Dad today if people still go outside on Independence Day. He simply said that even though this year there’s no Assam Bandh declared, people are simply too cautious to go out. They prefer staying indoors in case something happens.
How long I wonder, will terror reign in this beautiful state of Assam?

Related Post – 7 Facts About Assam and its people

assam rice fields


Note: Bandh, originally a Sanskrit word meaning “closed”, is a form of protest used by political activists in South Asian countries such as India and Nepal. During a bandh, a political party or a community declares a general strike – Wiki
I wrote a similar article for  The Viewspaper in 2011 – here


53 thoughts on “Independence Day – A mirage in Assam?

  1. I always have idea about this as my father is also a politician and we usually discuss about all these things, and also I was always interested about north east as that is least covered in our media.
    First time when I came to kolkata before 1 year, I had make an aim to explore whole of NorthEast, and I have done that except Tripura, Mizoram and Manipur.
    I think because of non-development and some partial treatment of the central government and some illogical demands of local groups have led to this situation.
    I always thought that the more connected the North East, the more positive the situation cab be…

  2. Such a sad reality, Raji. And to think of how badly people from the North East are sometimes treated in other parts of India and how ignorant we can be of this integral part of India.

  3. Oh .. I did not know that things were this serious at your end of the world ..
    It must have been sad. While the whole country celebrates, you are stuck up at home, denied your own Independence. Hope that things will be on a much brighter side in the future and thank you for bringing this to light ..

    Happy to read you 🙂

  4. I did not know the situation was this bad in Assam. I had a friend in Kolkata also from Jorhat but she never told me about this. Really sad to hear. I hope situation in the North-East becomes better soon.

  5. Is it really that bad?Leave aside Chennai or Bangalore.I have seen Independence Day celebrated in rural Tamilnadu schools with so much fervour.Hope the same peaceful situation happens in NorthEast also.

  6. That's so terrible. I had no idea. Often we just think of them as states unaware of the realities that the citizens of those states face. I really wish that all our states can find peace and normalcy.

  7. Really a sad affair where the common people suffer. I have noticed that the north eastern states are neglected for some reason or the other.

  8. Really a sad affair where the common people suffer. I have noticed that the north eastern states are neglected for some reason or the other.

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