Benefits of Yoga – Body and Mind

Yoga is a very personal practice. What I mean is – it’s not a challenge or a competition. It’s not about comparisons either. Nor it is about thousands of yoga photos floating on the internet. Although, the images do represent the hard work and persistence of a practitioner to move into a pose. I am not very good with words to explain the spiritual aspect, I can only try to word how I feel about my practice and list the benefits of yoga and how it effects the mind. (Continuing from: My Yoga Transformation blogpost)

As I have said before, Yoga is a revelation.  No, you don’t start looking at the world with Einstein’s eyes, but instead, you start understanding yourself better. With every inhale and exhale, you start appreciating and respecting your body more.

yoga photography at sunrise benefits of yoga

I mostly practice Hatha yoga, often ending with restorative asanas and meditation. After overcoming the initial awkwardness of each pose, I started noticing the slow transition from an anxious or uncertain mental state to a more calmer one. Since I practice at home I do it at my own pace. Here’s the effects on yoga and how the practice has impacted me.

So how does Yoga impact me?

Learn to Breath

It’s only recently I have noticed that whenever I am in a tense situation, my body subconsciously responds with deep steady breathing, and I feel myself going through the same transition as I do when trying out a difficult pose. You learn to breathe through a situation that’s new or uncomfortable. Of course it doesn’t solve the problem but it gives my mind enough space to find a solution.

Yoga keeps your Ego in check

Practicing Yoga is also the best way to keep your ego in check. Each day is different. Sometimes Wall Handstands are a piece of cake, other days it’s a struggle. Same goes for Chakrasana, or Hanumansana. Every time I practice, I start from scratch. It’s a continuous learning process that trains you to be patient and determined at the same time. It’s alright if I can’t do an asana, that just means that my body is not ready … yet. But I will keep trying, if not today, someday I will ease into that pose.

splits progress yoga transformation before and after
Split progress

I am still learning to listen to my body and know when to push forward and when to stop. Earlier I would push too hard, hurt my wrists and end up taking few days off. Now I don’t attempt to perfect the art, but try to soak in all the goodness according to my potential.

Postpartum yoga

Feel emotionally connected to your body

Do you feel emotional in Savasana?   The best and the most relaxing asana is Savasana. I am not sure if it has happened to you but sometimes after an hour long practice I feel extremely emotional during Savasana. I am hit by this powerful surge of emotions, sometimes resulting in waterworks too. In fact there’s even an article on why Savasana makes Yogis emotional   

Strange how all the chemicals in the body reacts !! 🙂

Benefits of yoga are numerous. Each yoga pose has a meaning and a purpose. In one way or the other it impacts your body and internal organs, so don’t feel disheartened if you are not flexible or can’t do a certain asana. Just practice whatever you can, whenever you can. If you have a history of previous injuries, it is advisable to consult a physician before starting any routine.   I found this article very helpful to sequence yoga asanas for Home Practice – Bringing your practice home

Yoga is a lifestyle choice. Healthy living is a lifestyle choice. The bigger picture is a result of all the little choices you had made.

Also featured on lifestyle blog:
Sweetsharing: 15 minutes Yoga to Lose Belly Fat
15 minutes Yoga for busy Moms
Simple and Effective Yoga during Pregnancy

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effects of yoga

Related Posts : Learn Yoga at Home – Tips for Beginners

28 thoughts on “Benefits of Yoga – Body and Mind

  1. Weight loss, a strong and flexible body, glowing beautiful skin, peaceful mind, good health – whatever you may be looking for, yoga has it on offer. However, very often, yoga is only partially understood as being limited to asanas (yoga poses). As such, its benefits are only perceived to be at the body level and we fail to realize the immense benefits yoga offers in uniting the body, mind and breath. When you are in harmony, the journey through life is calmer, happier and more fulfilling.

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